Healing in the Blood of Jesus TV Offer (TVD-274)
Regular price
The Bloodline of a Champion (Book)
God's Healing Word (Book)
The blood of Jesus has many applications. Jesus applied His blood in Heaven, and we must apply it to our hearts and lives by faith. Jesus paid for your redemption with His blood. He paid too high a price for your victory for you to be defeated. God sees us through the blood of Jesus and accepts us based on the condition of His perfect sacrifice. When the Blood of Jesus is honored, the Holy Spirit will work.
You can school your way into faith for healing by studying and meditation on scriptures on these topics: Healing is God's will; Healing through God's Word; Redeemed from the curse of sickness. Learn how to: Act on God's Word; Use your authority and receive your healing; Maintain your healing.
**If you would like to order this TV Offer for your gift of any amount, please call 318-767-2001 or mail your order in to P.O. Box 12863 Alexandria, LA 71315.**